Saturday, 17 January 2015

Thanks to suppliers

In a trip like our Inverse Viking Expedition to Denmark there were lots of suppliers of chandlery and services who contributed, especially those who made an extra effort to et things done in time to set off. Here are some of them (I haven't mentioned all the harbour and marina staff here but most of them get a thankyou in the log).

The Boatshed sail makers  a Port Donorwic did a great job on the new spray hood and cockpit cover. The nice clear windows and good fit made us especially happy.

The spray hood and cockpit  enclosure at Taarbaek

Tui goes amphibious with Graham driving the wise hoist.
The previous year we were at Dinas Boat Yard  at Y Felinheli on the Manai Strait  and Graham and Paul there are extremely helpful. Graham is highly skilled at driving the Wise Hoist and his calm proficiency was most reassuring when we first launched. When we got to Hull we had move the cradle they had looked after in N Wales and both Paul and Graham were very helpful with a picture of how it goes together and marks so I knew what joined what, and finding an igneous way to get me the Acro prop we forgot.

Steve Owen at PD Riggers checked our rigging, serviced winches and got the mast down and up.

Thanks to Richard at Yacht Systems in North Wales for getting the holding tank fitted in time. It was a difficult task to work out how to fit one in especially from parts available within the time frame.

As well as the many on line retailers bricks-and-mortar chandlers have been especially helpful notably Craig at Yacht Chandlers Conwy, Rondney at Shipshape Marine in Hazel Grove, and Richard and others at Kildale Marine in Hull 
The cradle loaded on a trailer at Y Felinheli on the way to Hull.

The replacement prop anode was from Invicta Anodes who were efficient in shipping it to Denmark. The scuba gear was hired from Scuba Gear in Copenhagen.

Thanks to Bob Smith from YachtCom/SailCom for training on the Long Range Certificate and supplying advice and  hardware to sort out the SSB antenna. We bought our PACTOR from Paul Richards excellent prompt and efficient service. 

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